Transportation of wind turbine blade at dusk
Transportation of wind turbine blade at dusk


Progress Report 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Green Investment Group Progress Report

It has been another busy year for Green Investment Group (GIG). This report gives you an overview of our activity in the last 12 months. Unless we’ve stated otherwise, the report covers the period from September 2020 to August 2021.

Navigating this report

In line with our commitment to sustainability throughout our business operations, we’ve gone fully digital and paperless with this year’s report. You can still download a pdf if you prefer to view the report that way.

Use the left-hand side navigation to move throughout the report, and the back and next buttons at the bottom of each page to visit the next or previous section.

Throughout this report we have included links which provide more detail on GIG and Macquarie Group activity.

We’d love to know what you think of the report. You can contact us via our website and keep in touch with us all year round via our social channels.

Navigating this report

We’ve gone fully digital with this year’s report and, to save paper, for the second year running we will not be printing any hard copies. You can still download a pdf if you prefer to view this report that way. We’d love to know what you think of the report.

Use the left hand side navigation to move throughout the report or buttons at the end of each page to visit the next or previous section. 

You can keep in touch with us all year round via our website or our social channels.