What we do

A specialist green investor

Accelerating the transition to net zero

To support a low carbon transition, annual clean energy investment will need to more than triple by 20301, demanding an unprecedented flow of investment across the capital structure.

That’s why we’re a specialist green investor, and a global leader in the development of companies, assets and technologies that aim to accelerate the global transition to net zero.

Why Macquarie Asset Management's Green Investment Group?

Our expert team, focused entirely on accelerating the transition, are green investment specialists.  Operating within Macquarie Asset Management, we mobilise and invest third party institutional capital to support the green transition and manage capital on behalf of long-term investors such as pension funds and insurance companies to support the build-out and operation of vital green energy projects around the world.

Explore our experience


Every market and client has a unique decarbonisation pathway and investment need, requiring a tailored mix of green energy solutions.

We work to support the deployment of mature technologies, like wind and solar power, at scale. And we support the commercial deployment of innovative technologies that will shape our energy systems of the future, including hydrogen, CCUS, and e-mobility.

Explore our work across technologies

Offshore wind

Onshore wind

Energy efficiency

Waste to energy

Surveying Engineers in safety wear in solar farm
Surveying Engineers in safety wear in solar farm

Our projects and perspectives

Learn more


1.  https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050